Monday, June 15, 2015

Week One

Almost exactly a week ago, Natali and I arrived here in the pueblo of Curahuasi, Peru. In some ways, it's a completely different world: learning to coexist with bugs, taking cold showers, perpetually hiking to get to any destination, and, most of all, constantly having my Spanish skills put to the test. Still, I cannot overstate how overwhelmed with joy I am already. The Caires, our host family, absolutely could not be more precious. This past Friday, I had the opportunity to shadow Will in the hospital all day, and watching him interact with his patients was truly inspiring. I am convinced that Allison is WonderWoman, constantly cooking meals, planning for school, and loving on her children. Speaking of the kids, each of them is such a delight. Natali and I stayed home with them this past weekend while Will and Allison made a weekend getaway to Cusco, and we had an absolute blast going on bike rides, swimming, and watching movies. The weather here is glorious, to say nothing of the breathtaking scenery all around. Despite the widespread poverty and times of civil unrest, it is so clear that Jesus is working here! Going to church yesterday was such a beautiful experience--worshipping in Spanish with Peruvians, Germans, Americans, and many other representatives of God's family. Although I miss home sometimes, the Lord is showing me new ways of looking at the world and at my relationship with Him. I could not be more grateful.


  1. Haley! So excited to find your blog and read of your grand adventures! Rich blessings to you and your teammate -- and to those lives you will touch in Peru. Keep posting. You inspire!
    Uncle Scott

  2. Thanks for the update, Haley! Continuing to pray for you!
