Monday, June 22, 2015

Week Two

Another week has gone by here in Curahuasi, and all is well. It was "Project Week" at the Diospi Suyana school, meaning that each teacher picks a special topic to teach all week to 15 students of mixed grades. Allison taught her project class about New York City, and Natali and I were at the school from 7:30 to 1:00 every weekday to help Allison. Throughout the week, we constructed Lego skyscrapers, watched clips of Elf and Enchanted (in Spanish, of course), sewed and decorated blue felt hats, and even walked to Natali's and my house to make typical NYC delicatessen food: sandwiches, bagels, and pickles. On Friday night, all the parents came to the school to see the class project presentations. Afterwards, there was a ceremony in the gym to honor the school's first anniversary, complete with dramatic poetry readings, a gymnastics routine, and a play based on Max Lucado's book "You Are Special." The next morning, Will drove Natali and me to the hospital at 5:30 AM where we met up with other volunteers, and we drove for two hours over perilous and ridiculously bumpy mountain roads to an extremely remote Quechua village, where we set up a clinic and a pharmacy for the day. Although not too many patients showed up, we had a great time singing together, eating boiled potatoes, and enjoying the gorgeous scenery. Yesterday morning, the Diospi Suyana school put together a street spectacle, including several acts from Friday night's ceremony and, most importantly, a parade and marching band. In the afternoon, Natali and I bought some sweet Quechua hats at the market and headed up to the Mirador, which is a trail leading to the peak of a mountain from which you can look down on all of Curahuasi. It was absolutely stunning. During this internship, I have been continually reminded of how insignificant I am compared with the Almighty God, and how He deserves absolutely everything that I have to offer. He has already given everything for me; how could I not do the same for Him?

A pig's head at the market

The idyllic view at the medical campaign this weekend

Diospi Suyana students marching in the parade

Looking down at Curahuasi from the Mirador

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